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What is Grapefruit seed extract? This liquid substance is extracted from the fruit and seeds of grapefruit, a sub-tropical citrus tree that grows in abundance throughout many countries. The extract from grapefruit seed was first documented for its medicinal uses in 1972 by Dr. Jacob Harich, a physicist who noticed its traditional use as a disinfectant in a multitude of countries.¹ Many traditional societies, from South America to Europe, to Asia have used the extract to clean the skin, hair, and home surfaces. These societies also valued the extract as a powerful anti-viral and bacterial. Grapefruit Seed Extract benefits: Powerful natural antiseptic. Antiviral and anti-fungal. Excellent remedy for toenail fungal infections. Treatment for sinus, vaginal and topical skin infections. Environmentally-friendly fruit and vegetable wash for removing toxins. Preventative for Candida and other forms of yeast infection. Acts as a natural preservative for cosmetics. Possible anti-biotic activity. Aids to alkalize the body, and is one of the world's most alkaline forming foods, helping to stabilize acidic pH levels, a central component for health rejuvenation. General immune system booster. How does Grapefruit Seed Extract work? Grapefruit Seed Extract There are many Grapefruit Seed Extract vitamins available on the market. A small selection can be seen below. |