Sea Magik
Dead Sea Magik Algimud Seaweed Mask
Sea Magik Silky Smooth Body Lotion
Dead Sea Magik Bath Salts (1kg)
Sea Magik Gentle Cleansing Facial Wash
Sea Magik 3-Seaweed Scalp Mud
Sea Magik Refreshing Bath Shower Gel
Dead Sea Magik Mild Exfoliant
Sea Magik Hair Magik Conditioner
Sea Magik | Feel Soothed | Sea mineral bath and body pampering
Dead Sea Magik Salt Brushing
Sea Magik Pink Salt Shampoo 200ml
A home spa brand sold in over 8000 health shops, department stores and pharmacies worldwide, and the market leader in Dead Sea Products. Dead Sea Spa Magik products will bring the Spa into your home, giving you a regular beauty regime with the added benefits of a healthy lifestyle.