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What is stress? Stress management Meditation Prolonged stress is the problem We know that chronic or uninterrupted stress is very harmful. It is important, therefore, to take breaks and decompress. Take a lunch break and don't talk about work. Take a walk instead of a coffee break. Use weekends to relax, and don't schedule so many events that Monday morning will seem like a relief. Learn your stress signals. Take regular vacations or even long weekends or mental-health days at intervals that you have learned are right for you. Two heads are better than one If you need help dealing with stress, stress-management counselling in the form of one to one therapy is offered by various mental-health-care providers. Stress counselling and group discussion therapy are proven to reduce stress symptoms and improve overall health and attitude. Nutrition for stress There are many vitamins and herbs that may help with stress. A small selection can be found below.