I find that this is an excellent product to help with stamina and fatigue, great product
Extremely fast delivery and easy shopping experience. Hamper was a gift and she loved it.
IngredientsGrape alcohol (approx 27%ABV, infusions of Olive,Cherry Plum, Crab Apple,Pomegranate, Walnut, WaterViolet, Scleranthus, MorningGlory and Copper Beechwith Star of Bethlehem,lmpatiens, Cherry PlumClematis and Rock Rose Alcobol ContentApprox 27% ABV
Grape alcohol (approx 27%
ABV, infusions of Olive,
Cherry Plum, Crab Apple,
Pomegranate, Walnut, Water
Violet, Scleranthus, Morning
Glory and Copper Beech
with Star of Bethlehem,
lmpatiens, Cherry Plum
Clematis and Rock Rose
Alcobol Content
Approx 27% ABV