Omega 3
Eskimo 3 with Vitamin E Liquid
Eskimo 3 with Vitamin E (Capsules)
Eskimo Brain 369 with CoQ10 (120 capsules)
Eskimo Brain 369 with Co Q10 (liquid form)
Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend 500ml
Eskimo EXTRA with Vitamin D3 (50 Capsules)
Cleanmarine MenoMin 60caps
Quest Omega 3 Fish Oil 45 caps (100% Extra Free) While Stocks Last
Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend Capsules
NHP Omega 3 Support
SOMEGA Easy Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 225ml
Biocare Mega EPA Forte 60caps
Cleanmarine High Strength Krill Oil 60caps
Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend 250ml
Cleanmarine For Men 60caps
Patrick Holford Essential Omegas 120caps
What is Omega 3?
Fish oils (also called Omega 3's) are a family of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health and development. Unfortunately, these are not synthesized by the human body and therefore must be obtained from diet or supplementation. The only sources of omega 3 are from fish or from a variety of seed oils. Omega 3 from fish is very well absorbed whereas omega 3 from seed oils is not absorbed quite as well. Seed oils do however have the benefit of giving us a wider variety of essential fats. Most seed oils contain omega 3, 6 and 9. However, the typical Irish diet is badly lacking in Omega 3's and this is why we would often recommend supplementing omega 3 in our shop. Isn't it ironic that we are an Island nation and we still lack healthy levels of fish in our diet?
Considering the different types of essential fats contained in fish oils compared to seed oils we often recommend alternating the type of good fats that someone takes in their diet. For example, they you might use Udo’s oil getting a broad base of omega's in your diet and when you next purchase oils you buy a good quality fish oil like Eskimo.
What are the possible benefits of Omega 3?
Some of the possible benefits from taking omega 3 oils may be: Reduced risk of stroke. Lower blood triglyceride levels. Lower blood pressure. Decrease inflammation. Reduce your joint stiffness. Lower your cholesterol levels. Reduce the hardening of the arteries. Reduced chances of heart disease. Reduced effects of arthritis. Reduce the potential of getting diabetes. Reduced hyperactivity. Reduced levels of ADHD.
How do Omega 3 oils work?
Omega 3 Fish oils contain certain fatty acids that reduce pain and swelling. These fatty acids also prevent the blood from clotting easily. This might make fish oils helpful for some heart conditions.
Omega 3 for sale
There are many Omega 3 Fish oils and different seed oils available on the market. A small selection can be seen below