I find that this is an excellent product to help with stamina and fatigue, great product
Extremely fast delivery and easy shopping experience. Hamper was a gift and she loved it.
IngredientsGrape alcohol (approx 27%ABV), infusions of SweetChestnut, Bluebell, OrangeHawkweed, Yarrow and RedChestnut, with Star ofBethlehem, Impatiens,Cherry Plum, Clematis andRock Rose Alcohol Content Approx 27%( ABV)
Grape alcohol (approx 27%
ABV), infusions of Sweet
Chestnut, Bluebell, Orange
Hawkweed, Yarrow and Red
Chestnut, with Star of
Bethlehem, Impatiens,
Cherry Plum, Clematis and
Rock Rose
Alcohol Content
Approx 27%( ABV)