This subject is often thought of as an amusing irritation more than a serious problem, but if you are experiencing severe gas it can be highly painful and uncomfortable and very distracting – it isn't a laughing matter. Some degree of gas is normal, but where this becomes extreme you need to find the cause. A trip to the doctors is a good starting point. Gas is often trapped air in the stomach that the body needs to expel. So let’s look at some of the other causes of gas.
Causes of excess gas
When you eat it is possible to swallow excess air with your food and that of course leads it to your stomach. If you eat very quickly or if you are prone to chewing with your mouth open this is more likely.
Some food when it decomposes will release gasses such as methane into the stomach and this will increase your likelihood of getting trapped wind. Other foods that are common causes are carbonated drinks of course which contain gas in their current form, spicy foods, fatty foods and soy among other things.
However on the other end of the spectrum having your stomach empty can also cause gas as that empty stomach area fills up with air.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
That means Crohn's disease, Celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS for short). For this reason if you have persistent indigestive issues and cannot seem to reduce the problem, it is important to get medical attention from a doctor who can help talk you through the possible causes. As with most illnesses diagnosis is the key.
Indigestion in the gastrointestinal tract causes problems as the sphincter that keeps it closed opens and allows acid reflux. This can cause a burning sensation up the oesophagus as the stomach acid travels upwards.
Stress effects the stomach, and particularly if you suffer from IBS stress is a trigger for IBS. At the same time stress can cause hyperventilation and strange breathing patterns which can also contribute to wind.
Natural ways to help with Gas
The first thing you are going to want to address if you have a lot of wind is the pain, and fortunately there are some ways you can help to do this.
Hot Water Bottles
If you experience a lot of discomfort from gas, then that will cause pain in your abdominal region holding it to your stomach will give some relief.
Hot Bath
This is a fantastic way to ease some of the tension around your stomach.
Mint is great for alleviating gas pain and is a wind reliever and carminative and can improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract in general. Boil around 10 leaves in some water and drink before meals.
Avoid Irritants
There are many different foods you should avoid. They include: fizzy drinks, caffeine, alcohol, cabbage, beans (beans, beans they make you fart remember?), monkfish, sprouts, Brussels sprouts, squid, dairy, fatty foods and more.
Chew Your Food
Make a conscious effort to chew carefully in order to prevent yourself from swallowing gas as you eat.
Eat With Your Mouth Closed
Likewise don't talk while you eat or you'll be inviting air in like a guppy fish.
Avoid Stress
If you have IBS or even if you don't, nerves and stress can cause wind. Use breathing techniques to calm acute stress and try to find ways of dealing with the more chronic causes of stress in your life
Take a Digestive enzyme
If we don’t have enough digestive enzymes, we can’t break down our food—which means even though we’re eating well, we aren’t absorbing all that good nutrition.
Take Licorice
Licorice and cabbage extract has traditionally used to facilitate the digestion.
Try a probiotic
Probiotics are beneficial and friendly bacteria. They help to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, improving immune function, enhancing the protective barrier of the digestive tract.
So now you have something to chew on. May all your mealtimes be a pleasant affair with little hot air.